One Down...

My first semester of college was a success. I ended with a 3.7 GPA, a love for my job, many new friends, and some really great memories.
Going into college I was worried about making the grades. I knew Berry's reputation for tough academics, and I also knew that meant I had to be on top of my game in order to do well. My initial strategy was to close myself up in my room and work as hard as possible, only having fun when I had no work to do. This failed. Epically. I was more stressed during that first month than I have ever been. I was constantly trying to make my work perfect, staying up way too late, not getting enough sleep, but not getting very good grades. I didn't want to fail. I fear failure, yet this was what I was facing. My strategy changed after the first month, but I can't exactly pinpoint when or why or how it happened. I am learning how to manage my time. Pay attention in class. Get your work done. Care about your work. Find interest in it. But remember to have fun.
I started a new job in August with the start of school. My previous work experience was baby sitting and working at Chick-fil-A. Both are great and I still babysit every now and then, but I quit Chick-fil-A a week before I moved to Berry. It was a great first job and it taught me many lessons in patience, working with others, and how to use my money. But it was time to move on. I found out in June that I would be working at the Child Development Center (Berry's preschool) come August. The thought of working with preschoolers scared me at first. I have always wanted to teach upper elementary because I didn't want to deal children who were so dependent. After a semester with 3 and 4-year-olds? I have whole new perspective. I love these precious children and working with them. Yes, they can be irritating, difficult, snotty-nosed, and hard to reason with sometimes, but the good far out-weighs the bad. I love their energy, excitement, imaginations, the crazy things they say, the silly things they do, and their never-ending love for those around them. They continue to amaze me and teach me new things. I have been fortunate enough to watch their parents both drop them off at school and pick them up. It is a joy to hear parents say, "I love you, buddy! Have great day!", as they leave in the morning and, "Hey sweetie! Did you have fun at school today? What did you do?", as they come back in the afternoon. It has reinforced my desire to be a teacher.
College is a time to meet new people. After going to school with the same people for 13 years, new friends are very welcome. I've written a lot thus far, so I figure pictures can better tell you about some of my new friends. 
My beautiful roommate, Emily Bevels. She makes me laugh and is a joy to live with.
Elizabeth Rainwater. I spend a lot of my time with this pretty lady. We are so alike in many ways, but completely opposite in many others. I am very grateful for her friendship!
Kelly DeMott, Jenna Brown, Katie Johnson, Christin Wurst, and Emily Katherine Dalton. Such sweet and beautiful girls who brighten my day!
My Capitulum group: Emily, Amanda Hearn, Sarah Myers, Kate Holman, and Elizabeth. I cannot even begin to describe how wonderful they are.
 Some more sweet friends from Mountain Day Minor Leagues 
At the Ben Rector concert.
Peyton Teem who is always positive and fun to be around.
Fun times celebrating birthdays at Steak-n-Shake
Last one of some amazing people.

Just a few pictures that I found and several people were repeated. I love all those who I have met and look forward to continue meeting new people each semester.
Some say college is the best time of your life and my sister tells me to savor it. I treasure each memory made and try to make as many as possible. Some of my favorite memories from this year include:
The Great Gala. A 1920's inspired late night done by the Alternative Housing RA's.
I got to practice my swing dancing and enjoy time with friends.
The Mountain Day Olympics & MarthaPalooza! I got to dress up like an Alien at the MDO and ride a ferris wheel at MP!
The Day Glow late night at Dana. We danced under black lights and had glow paint thrown on us! It was so much fun!
Swing and Ballroom has also been a great experience. I have learned how to swing dance, cha cha, tango, and waltz! Movie watching is a popular weekend activity. Most of my memories include being around people and just enjoying the time I am able to spend with them.
I loved my first semester at Berry and look forward to the next 7 semesters!


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