
"When we submit ourselves to God, it feels like a weight is lifted and things are back in balance. We are no longer trying to maintain control and comfort, but we rely on God's saving and sustaining goodness to be our all. We lay down our defensive living and allow Him to be our provider and protector." -Wild and Free, pg. 97

I love hymns. The simplicity and poetic verses. The truth in song. 
I Surrender All is a hymn that scares me rather than fills me with the hands-raised, worship-praising vibes. Why? Because the idea of surrender is terrifying.

Giving up control that I work hard to maintain? Raising a white-flag and giving up? Settling and conceding my ideas that I so stubbornly hang on to? No, thank you. I'd rather not.

But I read this passage from Wild and Free, and I melted. My definition of surrender is raising the white flag; however, surrendering to God isn't giving up, it is giving it to Him. Trusting God and releasing the stubborn hold you have on every detail of your life.

It is easy for my to see people who are control freaks because I am a control freak. My day-to-day life is fairly planned. On any given night I know where I will be, who I will be with, and what I will be doing. I have a metaphorical box and I like packing it exactly how I think it needs to be packed. My ideas, plans, approach all make sense and should work out if everyone else just follows my script. I like being in control of a situation and I freak out when I am not; therefore, surrendering control isn't something that comes naturally or freely. Control is exhausting.

Surrender feels so unnatural, especially when the world tells us to take charge of our own lives and make a way for ourselves. But God say, "I will make a way for you". 
Control over your life, was never really yours to begin with. To surrender is to rest in our Father's love and will. 

Too many times have I surrendered momentarily, only to go back and pick up the need to control or plan. Trust the girl whose made the mistake of going back, don't. It hurts far more when you try to make it work your way instead of surrendering it to God.

Surrender is a daily decision, like joy and trust. I can't say, "I surrender my anxieties to You," once and expect my mind to stop. Can it? Absolutely! Because our God is great and has the power to stop them; however, I am sinful and go back to it often. Daily, I have to surrender my fears, desires, relationships, expectations, control, etc. 

This is something I am in the midst of learning. Surrender daily. As I go back to the hymn, I am able to see the beauty in it for the first time. To surrender my life daily to Christ is to be in his presence. 

To surrender and submit to the Lord is a breath of fresh air. I am learning to surrender myself to the Lord each day in order to be fully in his presence, knowing He is working for our good and His glory. Ultimately, I want my life to glorify Him. He is faithful and has always worked everything perfectly and it has been outside of my box and it has been beautiful. 


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